Thursday, September 17, 2015

Unexpected therapy

Butch called me today.

I almost didn't answer but then thought there might be something wrong with my sister.

He asked me if I considered him my dad. I told him that I considered him one of my dads. He contemplated a moment and decided that was acceptable to him.  I remember once that answer would've infuriated him. I had referenced to mom and rodney as "my parents" once and he was very quick to correct me.

He asked questions and I answered. I wasn't angry about it, I tried to not be mean. I told him that I felt as if his girlfriends came first. I shouldn't have been burdened with adult things as a 9 year old. I should've been first. He was too busy telling me that I needed to pull my head out, plug it in, and the world didn't revolve around me.  He told me that he was trying to prepare me to be an adult. I told him I was 9 and should be doing 9 year old stuff not be responsible for him emotionally, worried about money.

He apologized. I had already forgiven him. He said he wanted to have a relationship with me. I was done after he put his last girlfriend/wife before me, sold land that he always said would be mine. He wanted to know why I had never told him. I had at my sister's, he was just too angry to hear it.

He married claudia and we were replaced by her kids. He said he tried to help those that needed help. I shouldn't have to have a crisis to get attention.  He was proud of me taking care of myself. I told him that I had to, his reply was that is what I was suppose to do.

Sometimes it would've been nice to have a safe place to land.

1 comment:

  1. TJ I doubt he will ever fully understand what you told him but I hope in some small way it did you good to say it.
