Friday, January 9, 2015

common courtesy

so....i will admit it, i am a democrat and i voted for obama.  yes i know that people like someone to blame their lot in life on, but i am getting to the point that i don't even like the sound of his voice. 

i think that if you are president that you should pledge allegiance to the flag, they need to add that to the job description next time.  i just think there is something wrong about the leader of our country doesn't want to salute a flag that represents America.  does he not like America? 

maybe it is because i am from the south.  the place where you hold the door open for strangers, you pull over, take your hat off and turn off the radio when a funeral procession goes by, and you stand for the American anthem with your hand over your heart and you remember all of the people who gave their life for our freedom. 

go to church, don't go to church....whatever, but don't make one cares

i think that it is disrespectful to send representatives to the funeral of a guy that was shot by a cop and not give the same courtesy to our fallen soldiers. he is the commander and chief correct?  he did give the order for those people to go and give their life, right?

i don't like the fact that i get to pay for him to go on vacation to hawaii....i would like to go to hawaii, i bet lots of other people would too. 

1 comment:

  1. Does President Obama salute the flag? Yes he does, and has been photographed saluting the flag on many occasions. There are also many news videos showing him at events where he saluted the flag. But sadly, there are a number of urban myths and political lies on various websites that claim he does not salute the flag; there are also photo-shopped (fake) pictures where it is claimed he disrespected the flag. None of this is accurate. Whether you like him or not, there is no credible evidence that he hates the flag, nor is there evidence that he refuses to salute it. Some of these myths are based on the Birther belief that he was not born in the USA (debunked repeatedly by many fact-checkers), while others are simply partisan efforts to paint the president as anti-American. These myths are all false.

    That said, before he became president, Obama was accused of failing to observe "flag etiquette". He was photographed, accurately, by a Time magazine photographer, during a 2007 event in Indianola, Iowa, not holding his hand over his heart while the National Anthem was being played. His political opponents immediately attacked, saying that failing to display the proper hand-over-heart etiquette proved Obama was unpatriotic and unfit to hold the office of President. But it was pointed out by Obama's spokesperson that the incident was about the playing of the National Anthem, not about saluting the flag. The spokesperson said sometimes Obama stands with hand on heart during the National Anthem, and sometimes he does not. A look at people at a baseball game will show that many do not place their hand on their heart during the anthem. Saluting during the anthem is simply a custom, made popular after 9/11; not everyone observes it.
