Friday, August 19, 2016

Right fighter

So. I am a right fighter.

I don't want to always be right but i want people to know that i know they are shady. I have long given up on people apologizing or doing the right thing once they have proven they are incapable of either.

My sister's father wife called me a month ago wanting to give me, my sister, and brother a 1/3 of their share of my grandmother's house. *eye roll* Then they decided that i had never been a financial drain to them that they would give me and me only the house. Apparently they never clued my brother or sister in on this.

They stalked me for about 2 weeks about this house. I can't even make basic life decisions and they must have an answer yesterday. Something kept telling me something was up, they've never given me a thing. "Baby, we are giving you something now".

I wanted to be selfish, i could use the money. I felt God laid on my heart what i needed you do and apparently it didn't fall in line with their  agenda. She gave it to her son.

I called them today. I wanted to hear what their side of the story was......claudia answered the phone.

The son had a medical bill he was being sued for, his teeth needed 10k of work, he doesn't have a house....he was abducted by aliens, the story kept changing.

I flipped, i have a house. No one gave me one. Why? Because i worked my ass off for it, because i couldn't depend on anyone else to do shit for me.

She didn't want my aunt or uncle to have the money. I wanted to make sure my uncle felt secure and i knew my aunt would take care of me and my siblings. Claudia wanted to know how i knew this would happen......was Rick going to take care of my brother and sister because for some reason this selfish woman thinks my brother and sister will be rolling in the dough the rest of their life (they are on social security).

"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience" mark twain

I swear i feel my IQ dropping every second i hear that lady talking.

It finally ended up with me telling her that they wouldn't notice if i fell off the face of the earth and to leave me out of their games . They had never done anything for me before now so don't act as if they want time start now because she will always make sure her and her own are taken care of and screw the rest of us.

I am 43, yearning, begging for someone in my family to step up and put my needs first for once.

This is the ultimate definition of insanity.

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