my store has closed, tomorrow will be a week that I have been on leave. the governor has issued that all non essential businesses close for another 21 days. I am blessed to work for a company that is paying me to essentially stay home. my husband on the other hand makes toilet paper for a living and the world seems to think they are going to run out so off to work my husband goes.
the weather has been nice, my dogs are loving the time with me, I have been able to cook for my family, clean house, and I have been able to spend time with my daughter.
today I went to pick up our grocery pick up order and I was the only one there at 10am. I grabbed my coffee, left in my leggings, robe, and house shoes. I drove across town looking to see who was open and who had to close. I didn't road rage. I didn't even notice the guy in front of me going 10 miles slower than the speed limit.
life has slowed down and I am thankful. I am thankful for the peace. I don't even turn on the tv unless joe or sydni is here. I haven't been social media since the first of the year which is honestly the best thing I have done for my mental health in a long time. I was tired of seeing all of the people with their seemingly perfect life. Sydni had me watching a show on Netflix and the actor said (to paraphrase) that her life was in shambles but she had posted 17 selfies on facebook showing her life was amazing.
I stopped and talked to my neighbor in my fashion statement of what not to wear outside of your home. he has been in the hospital and in physical rehab, he had to have his leg amputated due to diabetes. I never stop and talk to him. I always wave. I always think that I will or I will invite him to dinner. I never do because I am too busy trying to get to and from my store, too busy to get home and isolate myself.
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