Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A game of surviving

I have anxiety that if i am not thankful enough that things will be taken away from me.

There is a couple that hang out at my store sometimes, they have a dog. I asked them what their story was, looking for the defining moment that caused them to be homeless. There wasn't one, no job loss, no health issue, no death, nothing. I wanted to ask what made them decide to give up and live on the streets. I haven't yet. I did ask them why they didn't go somewhere warmer since Oklahoma isn't the best place to be living on the streets. She said she used to live in arizona but her grandmother died and she left.

She panhandles to get enough money so they hopefully can get a room for the night. He said they like to stay at motel 6 but only had enough money for a $49 room. They sometimes stay at the post office to get out of the elements.

I felt sad for them, thinking i had a car to drive to a place to sleep that was warm. I said a prayer for them and thanked God for being so blessed.

The more i talked to them the more they seemed to have accepted their lot in life and were okay with it. This may have been a front but i really think that it wasn't so tragic for them. It was as if they were playing out their own version of survivor except there is no million dollar prize and you don't get voted off the island to go home to civilization.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean about the anxiety that if you are not thankful enough things will be taken away from you. I have to remind myself every day to be thankful for Ron's current good health. I know that it can be taken from us at any moment. Watching him cope has been such an inspiration for me. He honestly NEVER thinks about it and just lives every day to the fullest. He doesn't get anxious or worry about anything! And this is the guy who has had all the operations. If he can do it surely I can! Life is full of teaching moments.
