Thursday, October 16, 2014

marriage license and assisted suicide

we went and got our marriage license today, it was weird and i was hoping that it wouldn't end up being really weird by running into Skippy.  My dad filled out a form stating we had four hours of premarital counseling and we only had to pay $5.....awesome.  I think i have had more on the job marital counseling than any one person is meant to.

i like to listen to Dr. Jenn on the radio and last night i was driving home and there were two ladies that had called that both sounded like me over a year ago, picking the wrong men, having the wrong boundaries, accepting inappropriate behavior. 

i was really excited when my therapist told me that i wasn't the same person that i was when i started therapy.  sometimes i wonder if i have done all of the work that i am meant to do, but i know that something will come along and throw me off balance and i will be having a melt down in her office....she probably drinks because of me. 

my nieces are coming Saturday, which is super exciting. 

i still have to figure out what i am doing about the music, get a hold of the chair guy, get pictures of my mom and make a picture of Joe's mom for a memory table.  it is times like this that i miss her, the old her, not the person that cancer made her. 

i read a story the other day about a woman who had moved to another state that had patient assisted suicide, you went to the doctor and you were written a prescription and you are in control of when you die.  Now i am sure there is more to it than that, but this lady had a disease there was no cure for and the death was going to be agonizing.  i often wondered why we let people suffer while waiting to die.  we wouldn't let an animal suffer like that then why would we let our loved ones suffer. 

just a thought

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Tonya on the wedding. Have a wonderful day and enjoy every moment of it. I love you!
