Sunday, February 28, 2016

Incapable women

I cannot fathom women who are not only incapable of doing things without assistance but who act as if they unable to learn.

I do understand that women once weren't expected to do anything other than raise kids, cook, clean, and look good. Women live longer than men. My grandfather died way too early but that was 20 years ago.

I see women way younger than act as if they are helpless. If you are cute and young, it works. When you get old it just looks desperate.

I don't think women should all know how to rebuild a car but having faith in their basic problem solving skills would make them not seem so pathetic.

I don't want to have to take care of everything in my life. I like that joe fills my car up with gas, opens the door, and orders for me at a restaurant. I also don't worry that he will leave this earth before me and i won't know how to do any of these things.

I had a woman today who couldn't even make a basic decision on a tag for her pet. I asked her if she needed me to input the information and she acted as if i couldn't expect her to follow the on screen prompts. I thought her brain was going to explode when i asked her what information she wanted on the back of her tag. I almost asked her if she was on medication. I hope she was because basic decisions were very tough for her. I can't imagine going through life struggling with the simplest tasks.

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