Sunday, June 5, 2016

Body butter

FYI, raw shea butter smells like ass.

I have been reading about detox baths. My whole body ached a couple of months ago so i went to the drug store and bought some epsom salt. I soaked for twenty minutes. I am not sure that it did any good but having dry skin i was concerned about clogging my now detoxified pores. I found an organic lotion recipe.

I ordered all of the ingredients. I received them a few months ago so yesterday i played mad scientist. I first wanted to make sydni's bath bombs. One of the girls had made her some bath salts for Christmas and i noticed the jar was empty. That project turned out perfectly.

The body butter has been a two, sorry three day endeavor. I made it exactly like the recipe (yes mother i actually used measuring cups). I was suppose to use a double boiler or melt all of the ingredients in a pan on low. I use the path of least resistence of the pan. I pour it all in a jar and wait. The result was a far cry from the anticipated results or the picture.

The lotion set up like concrete. I put the jar in the microwave on 20%, who needs a double broiler, melted it all again. I started adding oils and mixing it all together waiting for a meringue consistency. It looked more like cream cheese icing, which everyone thought it was and thankfully no one tried to eat the concoction.

Today the bowl went back in the microwave at 20%. I added coconut oil, almond oil, and LOTS of orange essential oil. Whipped it all together and finally have the consistency i had envisioned. I added more orange oil so it now smells like orange ass.

I rubbed it into my hands and it is oily enough. The moral to the story is just buy crisco. You will save time, money, effort, and 3 days of people trying to posion themselves.

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