Friday, August 31, 2012

realistic view

"someone, somewhere is happier with less than you have"

today, i lifted my rose colored glasses and painted a realistic view of what my future would have been and needless to say i started to see the silver lining of the clouds

it was probably helpful that today is the first day in 2 weeks that i didn't sound like Darth Vader when i took a breath, i still feel as though someone is sitting on my chest though

i found out a guy that used to work for me died of pneumonia, he was 25, a senior in college and such a bright young man.  I cant help but think that the last time that i spoke with him, he had a falling out with his family and was living on his own.  I really hope that he was able to reconcile with his family before he became sick.  I cant imagine a mothers grief from having to bury a child, but to do so with strife in the relationship. 

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