Thursday, August 30, 2012

rinse and repeat

so, i started seeing a shrink and the only thing that i have figured out that he is good for is to write dr can do that, but since he has been charged with sexual battery, he may not be practicing longer.  Which is really a shame, since i felt as though he was more concerned with my well being. 

I am going to have to find a counselor. 

i feel as though my days are rinse and repeat and the monotony makes me want to put a bullet in my head (not literally), but there is very little that i get excited about and that is sad.  I know that school is a means to an end, but i wonder about that decision.  I am taking a tax accounting course and the instructor is about as helpful as superglue.  I have two online classes that seem interesting enough, but the reading just puts me to sleep.  I need a challenge and my over scheduled life is leaving me too much time to think about my unhappiness. 

My birthday is coming up and i always reflect on the past year. I think that 2012 was a year i could have done without.  I was played, served my husband with divorce papers, well i am right back where i started from.  Blah. 

I did manage to get my associates, that i was way too tired to walk the stage for. 

I feel as though everything in my life is one step forward, two steps back and it has become absolutely exhausting. 

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