Monday, April 6, 2015

I am not that blind

Last night I am sitting and blogging.  I got a pair of bifocals at the beginning of the year. I was really looking forward to being able to actually see.  I felt as though there was always a spot on my glasses, so I was always cleaning my glasses. I even became so aggravated one day that I swore I wouldn't wear them anymore. I wasn't losing my mind there are letters imprinted on my glasses which causes a blur.  Today I went to the eye doctor and the girl behind the counter tells me that this is normal because they are no line bifocals.  I asked what I could do and she said I could get lined bifocals. 

This is my issue, these are glasses to help me see.  Why is there anything printed anywhere on my glasses that impedes my vision?

I googled this and it is true.  Some people were told that it was industry standard, other people said that they complained and the marking was taken off.  So now I am not sure what to do.  I have a friend looking into it.

I dislike confrontation. 

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of such a thing. I've been wearing bifocals for over 20 years both no line and lined and have never seen anything printed on the lense.
