Sunday, April 5, 2015

Lonely Easter

Easter Sunday.......brings back such great memories

My family wasn't particularly religious.  I remember once when I was younger asking my mother if I would go to hell if I died because I wasn't saved.  She told me no.  I asked her why and she said it was because I was a child. I don't think I ever believed her because I forever felt as though I was destined to go to hell.

Years later when I met my ex and really started to get into religion and going to church.  I absolutely hated going to church with him on Sunday morning. I was going to write a book called "dear lord, please help me not kill my husband on Easter Sunday on the church steps".

I now imagine all of the fights that take place before people get to church and the minute you step out of your car, presto you put on your mask.

I wore heels one Easter Sunday expecting Skippy to balance me as we walked to church.  Nope, he walked off and left me.  We had Easter Sunday at the civic center once and he walked off and left me that day too.  I was greeted by my mother in law and she told me that I needed to hurry up to catch him.  I told her that she could have him.  I was done.  I actually sat in church that day and cried. 

There is nothing more lonely than sitting in a room full of people and feeling so alone.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I know that feeling oh so well. I remember laying next to my ex-husband and feeling so alone. He made me feel inadequate and unloved. He would tell me that if I didn't like it I knew where the front door was. I think everyone has felt alone at one time or another. If it hadn't been for my ex I would have never known what I really wanted in a relationship. It took 36 years to find it but I never knew love could feel like this.
