Today is the day that i my new psychiatrist. I woke up early. Actually arrived early. I have a list of meds. I hope that he will change them and make me feel normal, not really sure what that is but it can't be this constant tiredness that i feel.
I am also hoping that he will let me keep my anxiety meds so that when my anxiety is at its peak that i am so irritable that i get on my nerves. I can take one of those magical pills and make it all go away.
I am standing outside the door with 2 lady's now. Two of us are using our phones to distract ourselves so that we don't have to talk to each other. We are waiting for the one person who has a key. I wish there was a chair. I am tired and now want to go home. I know my people hate me for always being late.
A man just walked in, he has grey hair. He is wearing cargo shorts, plaid flannel shirt and the hip shoes the 20 somethings wear that look like bowling shoes. He is pacing at the window even though i told him they just walked in. The lady has come to the window, he is now flipping through pamplets. Geez, i hate it when people are standing at the door before i am open. Yes, i see you looking down at your watch then looking at me. I have also seen you walk in then walk out to look at the opening sign when the other door won't open.
I now have a lady standing in front of me who hasn't slept in 5 days. I am not sure what her and the lady at the counter decided on but she left.
Another lady has come in, she might be older it is hard to tell due to her love of taning. She looks like a smoker even though i can't see the tell tale signs of wrinkles around her mouth.
The lady who can't sleep is back. I am thinking it would be ironic if she just fell asleep in the waiting room. Bless her heart, she really does look as though she hasn't slept in awhile.
I have thrown the woman at the counter a curve ball. Apparently the good doctor doesn't work on friday. I am armed with my appointment card. Ah, she found me. She tells me that she doesn't know when the dr will be in. I am hoping that he didn't forget my appointment.
The tv is now playing an advertisement about sleeping pills. The insomniac is watching. I would be crying if i were her. She can't sleep and all i want to do is sleep.
Norman, that is the guy in the flannel. The nurse has monotonly said his name to call him to the back where i am sure he will sit and wait which doesn't seem like his fortay.
A lady with a cold play bag has now come in, a man in overalls, a lady with love of camo with a minor who is wearing a screaming chicken shirt. I am sure he has no idea what a firebird even is, let alone rode in one. He will never know how cool we thought burt reynolds and the "you really like me" girl were at the time. He will never know the fun of ttops and having to store them so they didn't scratch.
The insomniac went to the counter and is now sitting under the tv that is playing another advertisement about insomnia. They have called her to the counter and the lady has just told her she will call the pharmacy. Apparently they have changed her meds. She is looking for a prescription of clonzapam....good luck if you aren't a patient. Now they are having a conversation about controlled substances. Geez, i hope she doesn't have a gun. A fatigued woman looking for sleeping meds should not be messed with. She can't remember her previous medication. We all know the drill of submitting a med and hoping that someone, somewhere will approve the script. It is friday, everyone is going to leave at noon. Good luck. She has now called her husband to find out what meds she wants to refill. We are now spelling the name. I know the name of my sleep meds......they are VERY important without them i will have panic attacks in the middle of the night. She is still at the counter, the lady's are desperate to have her leave. I have a feeling she will be back.
I think my doctor just walked in......uh, no. It is now 15 minutes past. Now i an getting reschedule....well back to sleep i go.