Sunday, May 25, 2014

conundrum of negative thinking

when having a toxic thought, use this litmus test

-true: consistent with fact or reality
-honest: not deceptive or fradulent;genuine
-just:  based on fact or sound reason
-pure: free of dirt, defilement, or pollution
-lovely: having beauty that appeals to the emotions as well as to the eye
-good report: a positive account of the proceedings or transactions
-excellent:of the highest of finest quality, exceptionally good
-praiseworthy: deserving of praise,  commendable

remember thoughts come in three time frames
1. past thoughts-memory
2. present thoughts- current situation
3. future thoughts- dreams

i am having real issues with negative thinking lately.  My anxiety is rising and my irritability is on overdrive, even my hair is bothering me.

i have let my spending get out of control and i am going to drop out of the summer semester because i don't have it to give to pay that much attention to squeeze a 16 week course into 8 weeks.  I didn't really understand cost accounting the first time i am not sure i can understand it the second time even though my professor likes me and says that it is easier than cost 1.  I an going to email her and see what she thinks.  My instructor for intermediate accounting told me it was going to take 20 hours a week for the course,  so i couldn't help but become overwhelmed and drop the class, especially when she started sending me emails two weeks before class even started but i guess i should be grateful because at least this way it doesnt cost me money that i dont have.

i was hoping that the insurance money from the roof would pay for the roof, the new building, and allow me to get my credit card under control.  I just used that as an excuse to spend.  I have to find a way to get more centered and balanced so i cant stop being to one extreme or another. 

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