Friday, September 6, 2013

toxic people exit sign

Chicken little gave her notice yesterday, but I am still being very cautious for the next two weeks.

I really believe that when I was burned by my last company I have been afraid to have too much fun at work, scared that things will get out of control again.  I worked with two good people this morning who have great attitudes and the morning just flew.  I had forgotten what that was like.  I obviously still have this need to punish myself, as Butch would say not "get too big for my britches little girl" (I have been losing weight lately).  Oh how I hated it when I would get that speech and it seemed as if he knew that things were going good in my life and he needed to keep me in check.  Then I let the voice in my head start doing it for him.  Training my brain to get out of this negative self talk that I have done for years is extremely difficult.  I even have a hard time dealing with people and walking away thinking negative thoughts.  I have to let the negativity go or nothing positive will never happen.  I have started letting go of the toxic people in my life.  I must let go of the thoughts as well or I will keep attracting those kinds of people who just suck the life out of me.

I have been kind of disappointed lately.  I have been working with my therapist on how to deal with people who try to suck the life out of me and chicken little has been staying away from me or I have been her, probably both.  I haven't been able to practice my technique.  I think that I will start practicing on my customers when they get into their long stories.  I had a lady today who went from telling me about her daughter not answering her phone to her mother blowing her brains out in the bathroom.  I felt as though I had gotten off a roller coaster after that conversation. 

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it is necessary to distance ourselves from people who are toxic. It isn't always easy to do or to recognize who is toxic and who is just annoying.
