I was suppose to go see my sister this weekend. I was looking forward to the time away but apparently it wasn't meant to be.
I went to see a chiropractor Monday. He took x-rays and my pelvis is tilted (which might explain why my hip hurts) my spine is twisted and crooked. My right leg is shorter than my left. I was surprised when he was immediately able to point to my shoulder blades that have hurt for years and my sciatic that has been burning. I went Tuesday for the results of my x ray and he adjusted my back/hips/neck 3 times this week. My sciatica has eased some which is so nice. I knew that i had limited movement in my neck but i realize now that my left side is so much more limited than my right.
I saw my therapist yesterday. It is nice to get immediate feedback and not feel as though i am throwing money at someone to just sit and stare at me.
I wasn't looking forward to seeing butch's wife. I am still confused as to why they felt the need to make me a pawn in their game with my grandma's house. I will never understand why the whole thing happened. My sister thinks Claudia will corner me and try to exonerate herself. I wish people could just own their stuff.
Rodney finally sent me a birthday text. They are "on our way to the calli coast on vacation". I told him i was sorry and that i loved him. I still haven't received a response.
I have to just let go of trying to understand why people do the things that they do.
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