i live in a world of absolutes
i used to think that it was because i am a Libra and my sign is a scale, to one extreme or another, always or never
welcome to my world of bipolar, the only issue is that i don't get the highs just the debilitating lows
i wonder if this is nurture or nature or a combination of both
someone once told me that being on medication was like not knowing that you cant see until you put on a pair of glasses
the problem is that there is nothing positive to say about being bipolar, it is akin to being a leper, it is used to explain away the craziness of some people
i am a highly functioning bipolar, i have been able to contain it mostly to my head and have learned to not react to most of the stimuli that i am exposed to and not express every thought and feeling the moment that i have it. The issue is that it makes me incredibly tired and this requires a few days of r&r to be able to cope with real life again. The conundrum is that i have over scheduled my life so that i don't have to deal with issues and have zero time to backwash the brain of the noise.
So, what can you do to fix the problem? You have to schedule rest time just like to schedule any other activity only it has to always be a priority 1. Anyone who lives with an illness or disability has to put their care as the highest priority they have. I'm afraid that Bipolar is the new catchall disease for what ails you. It is being over diagnosed and it isn't a one size fits all. You may have chronic depression which is definitely NOT bipolar disorder. Without the manic episodes I find it hard to believe that you are Bipolar. Depression is a common illness suffered by unfortunately too many people today. But...it's treatable. Take care of yourself every day!!!!!