I was suppose to go to a meeting tomorrow but because of snow it was cancelled. I am excited because now i don't have to ride with another manager who has an arsenal in his spare bedroom (he is the posterchild for gun control), smokes one of those smokeless electronic cigarettes, and is crazy. I am not very social with my fellow managers, but thought of inviting the other two just so i didn't have to listen to his craziness all the way to ft smith. Thankfully, i have three weeks to plan for the next meeting.
I am sure the grocery store is a mad house because the weathermen are talking "wintry mix". I will still have my 6am meeting in the morning and will still have to be at the store at 8am and will still have to work until 4ish.......i don't get snow days. The next day, i will still have to go to BA because people will still have to get their taxes done. It always cracks me up when people ask if the store will be open.....uh, yeah, this is retail. Speciality stores are a unique, kinder retail. The first winter i was there, there were people who didn't even try to make it to their store.....really, in my past, you better get the sled ready and have some dogs, because there was no excuse for NOT opening your store.
This is a different generation though, kids are now given cars, not just any clunker, brand new cars. I can only think of one person who received a new car when i was in high school and i am pretty sure she drove that car all through college too. I am 40 and have just recently purchased my second brand new car, the first one i ever bought was the worst car that i had ever owned, so i swore that i would always buy used so that someone else could work out the headaches first. This is when i figured out that you don't EVER buy the first model of anything, wait until the second model, or maybe the third...by this time they should have the kinks worked out, hopefully.
I was putting up freight today and saw an old man hobbling my way, i ask him on my way by how he was doing and he said "old". I couldn't help but chuckle on that one.
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