Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I am watching an interview with Kelly Preston talking about being married for twenty years......."eye roll".  She talks about how her and "Johnny" laugh and travel and dance and blah, blah, blah

Lets see, it is so easy to travel when you have a private jet, your husband is a pilot and you live on a landing strip.  You never have to figure out how to pay the bills, so you can laugh.  You work maybe 6 months out of the year, so you have time to dance because you aren't so frigging exhausted from standing on your feet all day.  You have a private chef to shop and cook meals for you.  You have a private personal trainer, of course you think your husband is hot.......this is how you stay married for twenty years.

Yes, i am having issues today. 



    Do you really think you are bipolar? I have never seen any signs of the disorder in you. Is it chronic depression you are dealing with? Make sure you trust your doctor's diagnosis. I think bipolar is the new "catch all" disease and not always an accurate diagnosis.

  2. i have highs very rarely, but deal with the debiletating lows constantly....they say that i am type 2 bipolar which doesnt seem as extreme as type 1
