Wednesday, August 7, 2013

dont be surprised when you get bit by a snake

i always become disappointed when people don't come through in relationships.  I think that working relationships are give and take just like personal relationships, in fact more so because you usually end up spending more time with these people than your family.  when someone has a personal tragedy then you should pull together as a team and help that person out, because that is what you would expect if it were you.  that is not what happened today.  I don't want to say that I hate people, but I am beginning to hate the people I work with and I am the only person that can do anything about that and starting today I took steps to make those changes.  I am going out of town next week for the entire week and it scares the hell out of me.  I waste more time with people and their issues than I do with customers.  I then had a customer today, someone whom I considered a friend, tell me that she was going to tell everyone about her terrible service.  Someone died and so I am sure that a few names fell through the crack of being called and notified that there would be no one there to do their service.  It amazes me when people show you their true colors, but at least you know you are dealing with a snake now and don't be surprised when you get bit.  I discounted the service, even though I usually never do that because I figure they aren't coming back so I might as well get all of the money that I can out of them.  I know that is horrible, but you have already told me you weren't coming back so there is nothing that I can do to make you happy. 

truth be told, I don't think that there is anything that I can do to make anyone happy.  I did give the homeless lady my water when I left the store, I guess that was selfless, no probably not, it wasn't even cold.  I did apologize for it not being cold, but it was at least cool.  

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