Monday, May 21, 2012


it is obvious that i am becoming a union blogger.....i only blog Monday through Friday, but then i have morning optimist on Wednesday at 6:30 am, you have to be optimistic to be up that early

I had a dream last night that my mother in law went off on my opponent (she did loudly call her fat the other day), but i had never seen her that angry.  I then  had a confrontation with the mean girls.  I also had a dream that i went back to my old job, as if nothing had ever happened and i had to eat crow after all of the negative things i had said about my old job.

"speak to people in a way that honors God".........Sunday service

I see how the beginning of Alzheimer's is affecting my mother in law and I know that she will grow angry like my mother (suck, because i think i have finally gotten over my mothers and I damaged relationship). 

Matt always says that dreams are the subconscious way of sorting things he tells me that i need to write all of these down and give them to my shrink (i don't think that we can afford that much therapy). 

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