Last week, Matt went to run some errands while i got ready for him to come and get me for lunch. Thinking it had been awhile since the dogs had been out, i let them out for a quick minute....or so i thought. It had been raining some and paisely went straight out and came back in....after making sure she stood in the mud for awhile. I wiped her paws as i let her in, then it was her brother's turn. I reached out and was able to wipe off one paw and then he took off looking at me like i was the devil. I tried everything to get him back in, treats, leaving the door open and walking away. It broke my heart to have him look at me like i was going to hurt him. I finally sent Matt a text telling him i was getting in the shower and that his goofy dog wouldn't come back in the house. He came home and opened the door, Buckley walked right in the house. I got the towel out and Buckley flipped out, running all over the bedroom, jumping on the bed, we finally just draped it over him and he finally quit running. We have had a few more episodes of him not coming in the house, Matt has been bribing him with cheese....i had to make a trail of biljac liver treats and try to keep the rest of the animals out of them while he makes his way into the house and out of the doorway so i can shut the door.
This morning while i was eating my breakfast, trying to keep Buckley's big head out of my food, he decided to stand on the coffee table. Not just front paws, front and back, and just standing on the table while i am telling him to get down.
That dog is a mess, but i love him and i am really convinced that Dingo sent him to us.
Update, last night Matt and I went to eat dinner in Tahlequah, so Matt decided to put Buckley in his crate. When we came home, Matt had to change his insulin pump so Buckley would have to wait to get out of his crate. When he finally let him out, i walked over to pet him and he ran from me. He stopped in the foyer to let Matt pet him and i was able to pet his backside, it scared him so bad that he had an accident on the floor. He then walked to the kitchen and i leaned over to pet him again, that is when i noticed that he was so scared of me that he had another accident in the floor. I will NEVER understand what kind of psychopath is able to be mean to a helpless animal, especially when he looks up at you with those eyes.
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