so the local chamber hired a consultant to come up with a theme for our city.....warrior city
really??? i have found my new career, the last consultant that they paid to look over our fair city decided that there should be no more portable signs. I don't remember how much that cost, so everyone just took the wheels off and put the sign on a pole. I am still not sure how that helped the look of our city.
I can think of a few things that would help the look of our city....the fact that there is a nudie bar on the south west entrance of town next to the adult toy shop probably doesn't make people want to stop. The south east entrance has a convenience store that they last time i stopped there i saw a domestic dispute and that was over 12 years ago and hasn't gotten much better since. The east side entrance isn't bad, you have the river, newer businesses, the college. The north side of town is the new truck stop beside the old truck stop, the visitors station across from the other adult toy store that used to be a truck repair shop and looks so seedy i bet they show movies in the back....this will not entice the good folk of the bible belt to want to stay for while.
I came up with all of that for free.
Oh and we should probably stop the homeless people from standing on the street corner with their cardboard signs.....
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