Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I was listening to the radio this morning and they were talking about rape.  You are more than likely to be raped by someone you know rather than a stranger.  A lady was talking about her experience on a college campus where a guy that she was hanging out with forced her to have sex.  She had not considered it rape and therefore did not report it because he didn't ejaculate.  Statistically, a man will rape at least seven times before he is caught. 

If you say no to someone and they disregard your answer, that person is trying to control you. 

If a man says no, this is the end of the conversation.  If a woman says no, some people think this means that the subject is still up for negotiation. 

I think that it is interesting that women has many different titles...Ms, Miss, Mrs. and men have just one, Mr. 

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