Sunday, January 20, 2013


so Mr X's mother finally succumbed to Alzheimer's and died last month.  I realize that her quality of life had not been non existent for the last 12 to 18 months.  I cant imagine what that must be like to watch, but unfortunately i will have a front seat with my mother in law.  I found out last night that Mr. X's father is remarrying.  I asked my in laws if the wife's body was even cold yet, "cool" they replied.  Of course i had to share my latest gossip with my confidant, his reply was "you know he's been banging her all along. Shit like this just don't happen all at once."  Considering the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, i know that i dodged a bullet with Mr. X. 

This why i have always been foolish in love.  I was willing to trade a man who thinks that being married to me is the greatest thing in the world, just so that i could get laid.  I am so relieved that i didn't become another one of his triumphs. 

Matt said the father did the honorable thing, staying with his wife, hiring someone to take care of her in her home.  He didn't divorce her or put her in a nursing home.  I don't think there is anything honorable about a woman who was once strong, being given sponge baths from a stranger while her husband is sleeping with other women.  I would think twice before marrying this person. 

If they will do it with you, they will do it to you. 

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