Saturday, March 17, 2012

the other half

yesterday, i was able to live the way the other half do

My husband bought my bff and i an all day spa package for our anniversary

We arrived at 10am and were taken to the back to change into yummy bathrobes, we sat in a waiting area and filled out a questionnaire for the massage.  She wanted to know why i was there, stress (check), relaxation (duh), and i wrote in "feel pretty" (doesn't everyone). 

I don't get massages very often, used to have this issue with people touching me and knowing my luck i would pick the one that had the sex shop in the back.

It was awesome and there was no patchouli involved.  Ugh, do not understand why people insist on wearing on oil that is the only thing strong enough to cover the smell of weed.  I would rather smell like arthritis cream. 

Next, we had a facial.  This is the cruel thing that happened in my life, i turned 30 and got acne.  I used proactive like a 13 year old for years and then realized the scrub made me pores look gigantic, so i went back to clinique and found a great acne treatment.  I tried lancome, but it is too expensive and made me look like an old lady.  The lady, steamed my pores and looked for blackheads, using the torture device to pop the few that she did find.  She told me my skin looked amazing (which i imagine she tells everyone, but when you are almost 40, you take the perks when you get them).  She used an amazing clay mask with the steamer to keep my pores open and release the toxins (hey, my gym has a sauna, i bought a tube and will try that next week). 

Next we met in the little waiting area, it has a water feature and comfy couches (i need one of those).  We were served an awesome lunch of quiche (never ate it before, but it had vegis and contained nothing fried) and a salad. 

We had a manicure/pedicure where i am sure that those poor girls were concerned about our mental well being after hearing our conversations.  I was thankful of someone who knew how to trim my cuticles and not make them bleed.  I LOVE that paraffin wax treatment, i need that for my house. 

We meet seth and he styled DeeDee's hair.  We have traded places, she now has long awesome hair and i have the short hair.  He did a great job on both of us.  We were exhausted when we left at almost 4:30pm.  I purchased 2 products (about $45) and charged the rest to my husband. 

It was fun and a great gift, but little too much time and a lot too much money.  I don't have the patience to be a woman of leisure (even with a xanax and my add medicine).

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