Friday, July 5, 2013

broken windows

i am so happy that the fourth is over and I can stop drugging my dogs....last night was the worst, I don't think that bubba could have taken one more day of it.  at one time I had both dogs in bed with me and one of them had the worst gas.  I literally thought that they crapped on the bed.  we all took our drugs and slept like babies.

I did think that I was going to lose my mind.  I was online taking a test and this was the time that windows decided to shut my computer down and install it's upgrades...really?  I know that people at Microsoft need jobs, but do they really have to download new upgrades every week.  Since I was on lockdown browser, I didn't have access to my toolbar and couldn't see that the window was about to be shut down.  I tried to log back on but the system told me that I had already taken the test.  I thought I was going to lose my mind, this is ridiculous.  I emailed my teacher and she reset my test, I am glad that I was only about 7 questions into it or I probably would have been screwed (and not in a good way). 

I am so thankful that tomorrow is my last day then I get to go on vacation.  I really need this time away and I am hoping the children act well while I am gone. 

I have two big projects to do for this semester.  I have to interview a corporate executive.  I still have to invent my soda and do my ads.  The last time I checked this was an intro to marketing class and I am not a marketing major. 

I read a magazine article the other day about being happy or how to become happy or maybe she was a happiness expert.  Anywho...she had a broken window theory.  Cops have it about neighborhoods, if houses start to have broken windows that aren't fixed, then people start to not care about the neighborhood, graffiti shows up on the walls, the crack heads move get it.  the broken window theory is also an analogy for your life, I mean hoarders just don't accumulate all of that stuff in one night.  it starts with unopened mail, a closet that needs to be cleaned out, etc.  I think that all of that junk really can start to weigh down your mind and your soul.  I felt so good when I got rid of all of those clothes that I couldn't wear.  it feels good to purge. 

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