Tuesday, July 2, 2013

getting old

last night the locals started firing their fireworks, Buckley kept running around the house whining and his heart was racing.  I finally got him in the bedroom and he laid down to go to sleep about 10. funny, now that paisley has a brother, she was not disturbed by all of the noise.  usually she would be driving me nuts, she acts ten times worse than her brother. 

I am happy that my therapy appointment isn't until this afternoon so I was able to sleep in today.  I am still tired, but I have to get my homework done today. 

well, getting old is finally starting to affect my body (no longer do I have the stomach made of iron).  I have suspected for awhile that my coffee drinking has been causing my acid reflux, so I am having to switch to decaf.  then that makes you wonder why bother, if you aren't actually getting any caffeine, why bother drinking coffee,  I don't know, but I am not ready to give it up yet. 

homework may just have to wait until tonight, I am thinking I need a nap. 

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