Wednesday, October 23, 2013

at the breaking point

so I am still emotionally and physically exhausted from last weekend.  I hate strife in my life....not sure why I thought management was my calling.  Yet, here I am. 

I was so thankful to get home from church and be able to crawl into bed.  I still haven't worked on the friend thing.  I did talk to my sister last night, we laughed for about an hour. 

Saw one of Butch's ex girlfriends mug shot on the internet, she is only three years younger than I am, she was thrown in jail for carrying a firearm and having a suspended license.  LOVELY!!!  

I did go to the jail today and get my background check and fingerprints for my conceal carry license.  I guess it isn't a conceal carry, since the state is now open carry.  I just have to go and get a passport photo made.  I am so glad that I have never been thrown in jail, every time I heard one of the doors slam shut it just made me jump.  I am not sure that there are people out there say that they are made for jail, but I can tell you that I am defiantly not one of them.  I was very thankful that they don't use ink anymore for fingerprints.  I would have had a hard time explaining that when I got back to work.  Then there was this secret thought that I won't ever be able to commit a crime without being caught because they now had my fingerprints.  What if I am falsely accused of a crime????  I must always have an alibi.  Um, this was my clue to start taking my anti anxiety medication like I am suppose to. 

My father is freaking me out.  I know that mother is sucking the life out of him, but my skin is not thick enough to deal with her.  He has to have some relief though.  I cant even imagine what it is like to watch the woman that you love fade away right before your eyes.  I feel as though I cannot get away from it, I have to deal with it on both sides of my family.  My mother in law has dementia, which will turn into Alzheimer's.  My mother might as well have Alzheimer's.  On top of that she has zero mobility and like my mother in law, cannot sit still.  I half way expected my mother in law to get up and wonder around during church tonight.  She will start cleaning up the table, start fiddling with her purse, put on her lipstick, blow her nose. 

God, I am really not sure what the lesson is here, but I am already close to losing my mind.....I really cannot handle much more.  Oh and can you send me a friend?

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