Wednesday, October 16, 2013

doctors visits and sympathy

I went to the doctor with my mother today. 

The doctor told her that the tumors don't look as though they have grown much, but from the last two scans she has what looks like an aneurysm.  She needs to have a MRA to confirm.  The doctor looked at her either as a miracle or a dead person, I couldn't quite tell.  He could tell her quality of life was not good.  The aneurysm isn't what is causing her headaches, loss of vision in her right eye, or her loss of equilibrium.  She had to use her wheelchair to get to the doctor's office and then she kept trying to get out of it and had to have help to do that.  The plan is that she gets the MRA then she needs to see an oncologist for her lung cancer, not that there is really anything that can be done.  The doctor said there is nothing to be done for the tumors either. 

The day went well.  I am exhausted and I don't even have to deal with her every day.  She did laugh when my dad said that she would outlive him and I said that would be God's way of punishing me.  I did get to hear her wicked laugh.  I am not sure if she understood what I was saying or was laughing because this was her plan. 

I spent my morning at work comparing everyone's complaint to "is your mother dying of cancer", sorry no sympathy here. 

I had a lady come in and want a price match on litter then want a carry out, telling me about her bad back the entire time.  Sorry, you aren't dying, shut up. 

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