yes, I know that I am suppose to be the bigger person, but sometimes it is nice to get a zinger in once in a while.
I used to be the queen of sarcasm until one day someone pointed out that it was rude, unnecessary, demeaning, and not very Christian. So I have kind of added that to the category of gossip...nothing positive ever comes out of it. I have tried to explain this to people in my life, but they don't see the harm in it, so against my wishes and feelings they continue to be hateful to me (really, that is what sarcasm is...a funny way to be hateful). I especially dislike it when I am trying to be nice to someone and think of their needs. I was walking through a dark parking lot last night, my car has the nice feature of auto start, so I started the vehicle so that my guest would know that was where we needed to go and maybe the light would help. We are standing 4 cars from the vehicle and I said (trying to be helpful) that the vehicle was the one with the lights on and I got the sarcastic reply of "they all have their lights on", not true, mine was the closest one with the lights on and since you rode with me I thought that you might have an idea of where the vehicle was parked. I lost my temper at that and said it is the one right there. We get in the car and it still amazes me how you can treat people however the feeling strikes you, but when someone else is short with you, there is hell to pay and a speech to go with it.
I will never understand how someone can say they love you and with the same mouth call you mean things. People in this day and age have a sense of entitlement that is hard for me to understand. I have worked for most everything I have, I have been very lucky to work hard and had some people along the way give me a chance to prove myself. In my world your actions far exceed your words, so you cant tell me how much you love me and then call me a bitch, It just doesn't work that way.
I am thankful to God for shielding my heart from these insults and I focus my energy on more positive things in life.
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