on the front page of the paper this morning is an article about a 20 year old girl that went to meet a guy (that she met on craigslist) at 10pm at an address that she thought was his house........let us drag out the crystal ball and see how this one ends up
she walks into a house that has zero furniture in it, so i am not sure if she knocked and no one answered or what. I am not sure how far she got into the house before a tazer was held at her throat and she was told to undress. Now, i must mention, that she did have a gun...........in her handbag......i think i would have taken my chances. The man raped her and told her not to get up until he was gone. She then went to the neighbors in a pair of panties and her coat (he stole her purse and now he has a gun), they called 911. I don't know if they called 911 on her or to help her....i think if someone showed up at my door, late at night, in a coat and basically nothing else, i would dial 911 and let the cops figure it out.
i told my 20 something cashier about it, because she started a facebook relationship with a guy and got "catfished".
bobbi and i decided that if that were us, we weren't so sure that we would report it because we would feel like a such an idiot. It turns out there are two other women who met a guy on craigslist, one to look at a TV and i cant remember the other one. One lady was kidnapped and the other was just robbed.
i was such a dumb butt when i was growing up, i am glad the internet wasn't around, because this would be something i would have done and lord knows i didnt need any help getting myself in trouble
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