Monday, April 29, 2013

here we go

tomorrow morning i am going to see my new shrink.  i am trying not to get my hopes up, but i am hopeful that this isn't another person who wants to sit behind his laptop and type away as i talk, that is really annoying.  i will be grateful to have an accurate diagnosis and hopefully an appropriate mixture of meds and soul cleansing.

i did well this weekend, i didn't sleep all day sunday.  i became immersed in a book about multiple personalities, it was a memoir that was written like a novel.  it was so good that i woke up today wondering how the people in the book were doing, this is when you know you have read a good book. 

today, i still wanted to sleep all day, but i forced myself to get out of bed and clean the house, actually went to grocery store, and had the energy to cook dinner.  i do believe this is a first in a very long time. 

he did come home today and tell me the house looked nice and gave me a hug.  i told him i really appreciated him being nice to me and that no, i wasn't trying to give him a dig. 

i did have a dream last night, i felt desperate like i did when i was with the mean drunk and it seems as if the only sexual fulfilment i get is in my dreams and this doesn't help me release people from my past

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