Thursday, April 25, 2013

relearning lessons

so this morning as i was driving to work, i passed a lady that made me realize that i had unforgiveness in my heart....ironic after last nights post

first i judged because she was obviously leaving her house to go to work and she was driving a lexus but leaving the ghetto.  I could feel my words coming back to haunt me.  I said a prayer that God would heal her heart from whatever makes her feel like she must look down on people and that he would heal my heart from whatever makes me feel justified in judging her. 

Here is the history, she would come into my previous place of employment.  She always parked in the fire lane, the sense of entitlement always annoyed me.  I wanted to say, would it kill you to walk 15 extra feet from an actual parking space.  I would have to stop what i was doing and load a case of paper into the back of the truck she was driving at the time, without even much as a thank you. 

yes, i do realize that i am still feeling discontent for this person.  I want to ask who are you to look down upon me, you run a low budget insurance company and seem to only have time to half way acknowledge me when i carry out your paper.  I am mexican, i did not bring you over from africa and turn you into a slave, so please stop with this "you have no time for white people" attitude and get over yourself. 

excuse me, i think that it time to reread my post about healing hearts and hope that i remember how to find my way back to that peaceful place

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