Wednesday, April 24, 2013

healing hearts

if you are only able to love your friends and not your enemies than you are no different than the i don't like to get overly religious because i feel as though you can lead better by example than words.  I found this interesting. 

thankfully, it has been awhile since i have been wronged but i have spent my fair share time willing the karma credit program to get even with certain people.   It may be religion, age, maturity, or the right mix of medications, but i just don't like to spend too much time in the negativity of unforgiveness.  I have realized that if someone is hateful to me, it has more to do with them than it does me and i say a prayer that god will heal their heart. 

i had an older gentleman come in one morning, he wanted to make a tag for his dog.  I explained the tags we had, he picked one out and i gave him the tokens.  He started getting hateful about how he didn't want to have to make his own tag and he didn't know how to use a computer.  I really wanted to tell him to get bent and just leave.  I finally touched his hand and told him i would help him.  I walked to the machine and input his information, while the machine was engraving his tag i said a prayer that God would heal his heart from whatever had happened in his life that made him so hateful to other people.  I looked up and he actually started a decent conversation with me, i don't think that he ever apologized, but he did act like a human being and more importantly treated me like one as well. 

the worst customer i ever had, i was at my previous employer.  A lady came in and i was unable to do what she wanted, the exact way she wanted it, and she proceeded to chew me out and when she finished, she wanted me to recap what i "learned today".   Needless to say i didnt tell her what was on my mind. 

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