Sunday, April 29, 2012

the rules

1) always be on time
2) pay attention
3) do the best job you can
4) never ever be concerned about the outcome
5) when you finish playing with your toys put them back in the box
 and an addition
6) never, ever take yourself too seriously, we are all replaceable

these are the rules that my dad was raised by.................and my 2 cents

always be on time................. showing up is half the battle

pay attention................... or if all else fails read the directions

do the best job you can......if i am going to put my name on it and spend my precious time doing it then i cannot and will not half ass it

never be concerned about the outcome..................the control freak in me just passed out

when you finish playing with your toys....................or in my house, put your shoes up or your husband will trip over them and give you grief

never, ever take yourself too thankful everyday for what you have because it could all change in a minute (a friend would tell me that we are all one phone call away from a bad day)

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