Wednesday, January 18, 2012

the reality

perception is reality

there are 3 sides to every story, my side, your side, and the truth.  I tried to stop getting wrapped up in the right or wrong of a situation or subject, because it is tiring and time consuming.  I believe that ultimately everyone wants to feel heard and that have their feelings validated and made to feel important. 

The problem is that i don't have any idea how to communicate properly.  My career has forced me to become a better communicator and to not communicate in anger.  This has been very difficult because growing up, most problem communication was done in anger or sarcasm.  One time i was having an issue with a guy i was dating and i was emotional and i was screaming.  He told me there was no reason to yell.  I don't think that i had ever thought of talking out an issue without screaming or being more worried about being right than fixing the issue. 

Sarcasm has always been my defense mechanism and i was the queen.  I now see it as disrespectful when dealing with someone you care about and love.  It is a way of minimizing the situation and not acknowledging the feelings.  I pray that God will make me patient with people who are still trying to pull down the walls as he was patient with me. 

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