I am a godly person. I believe that everything happens in life for a reason, there are no accidents, mistakes, or chances, there is a purpose. My motto was "this is the place in my life where i need to be, because there is a lesson to be learned". Unfortunately, i had to learn some lessons more than once. I also believe that god will do whatever it takes to get your attention. First, he will whisper in your ear, then he will tap you on the shoulder, then he will grab you by the hand, then (if you are still not getting it) he will smack you upside the head. I feel that there too many lessons in my life that i had to learn this way. Most of the time, i would look to the sky and say "God, i get it this time". Some lessons i feel that i am still learning.
Life is a roller coaster and i don't like roller coasters. I like to be in control and this is an oxymoron to being a godly person, because god is the only person in control. I have to remind myself when i find myself in a situation that is uncomfortable, that it is the roller coaster. I must sit down, buckle up, and no matter how much i may try to stop the ride, i cannot. I can either fight it or embrace the ups and the downs and its okay if i close my eyes.
Pain, emotional and physical, must be felt. One day i had a physical hurt, instead of trying to busy my mind with other things, i acknowledged it and experience it and then it left. I find this the only way to release my emotional hurts is to acknowledge them, experience them, and eventually the hurt will leave me......
I have learned that yesterday is just that, yesterday. Today is all I have promised to me for the moment. I just live it (good or bad) and try to be grateful for it no matter what. Every challenge I have had in life has allowed me to grow in ways I never could have imagined. If Jim hadn't left me I wouldn't have grown up or become the woman I am. So hats off to Jim. He gave me a great opportunity. If it weren't for Mike I wouldn't have learned just how much love I am capable of giving. He provided me the opportunity to let go of resentment and just love someone because they need me. I don't try to figure anything out anymore....life just is.........I only have one life and I'm going to enjoy it.