Saturday, May 25, 2013


I had someone tell me once that I created the situation so I would have to live through it and it made me very mad.

this week has been too much, Thursday was a total waste.  I pretty much stayed in my office from the time I got to my store until the time that I left.  I gave three write ups and documented a discussion that I had with an employee a couple of days earlier. 

I hate having to be politically correct when disciplining employees.  I hate the employees who try and act as if they don't have a clue what they are doing wrong.  I have an employee who is lazy as the day is long and everything is semantics.  I just want to choke him out.  in his eyes no one does anything so therefore it seems reasonable that he does nothing either. he wants me to fire him, but then when he thinks that I am going to he calls human resources.  maybe he is just bipolar or has grand dreams of suing for wrongful termination. 

my drama queen.  she is the one who doesn't violate policy directly, because unfortunately there isn't a policy to not be an a hole.  then she wants to discuss it for a week  today it was "whose decision was it to write me up"... "mine".  well, what I said that was insubordinate I said while I was walking out the door and not on the clock.  yes, after you made a smart remark that made the manager on duty send you home early.

her issue is that she was the one that started all of the gossiping and now everyone wants to come to her and complain.  I told her that she is on the one that started this cycle and she would have to be the one to find a way to make it stop. 

I went next door and the poor manager was telling me that everyone had quit....I told her I couldn't be so lucky. 

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