i realize that i have lived in tornado alley too long.
i get up this morning and see there was severe thunderstorm watch and a tornado warning last night. i got up once to go to the bathroom in the night and knew that it was storming really bad, thought how nice the rain sounded and crawled back in bed to go back to sleep. i live less than a mile from the tornado siren, but you really cant hear it at my house, probably something to do with the wind.
it is probably the only useful thing that butch taught me, he never was concerned about storms. we lived in the country, there were no sirens, once his friend called and said there was a tornado heading straight for us and he hung up the phone and rolled over going back to sleep. we lived in a trailer house, the only place that could be worse is your car, maybe he figured that there was no where to go so why bother.
the mean drunk would get so angry with my whatever attitude about tornadoes. he would tell me that i will stop being so careless when i almost get hit by a tornado.
when the f4 hit okc in 99, butch was freaking out trying to call me, because it was heading down the highway straight towards my apartment and he knew i would sleep right through it. he called mother, she had become tired of watching the news about the storm as well and was watching a movie. he was aggravated with all of us. i was at my boyfriends and my roommate was at work.
i have become immune to the pictures of the devastation and have spent too many sleepless nights worrying, that i just now would rather have a good nights sleep, wake up the next day refreshed and let god handle the rest.
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